The Palo Verde PTA is an association of parents and teachers dedicated to supporting the children and community of Palo Verde School.
To reach these goals, Palo Verde PTA members volunteer many hours and raise funds to support classrooms, encourage communication, and develop community spirit.
Classroom and School support:
- Classroom materials and supplies
- Grade-level support
- Technology in the classrooms (laptops/projectors)
- Noon Art
- Science Fair
- Math Night
- Library funds
- Staff appreciation
- Landscaping improvements
Communication and Community:
- eNews
- The Palo Verde Voice and PULSE
- Assemblies
- Morning coffees
- Harvest Fair
- School Ice Cream Social
- International Fair
- Ice Skating Party
- Parent Education
In addition, Palo Verde PTA's past expenditures include early/late reader child care, morning recess supervisor, computer equipment, assemblies, and the science Junior Museum program.
There are several PTA fundraisers throughout the year including the school auction, restaurant nights, and note cards.
The date, time, and place of PTA meetings are announced in the Palo Verde Voice and the Palo Verde PTA blog. All parents and staff are welcome to attend these meetings.
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) promotes children's well-being, home-school cooperation, parent education, and community betterment. PTA cannot pay for staff.
The Palo Verde PTA is a tax-exempt organization which is eligible for many corporate matching programs. Our tax ID number is 94-6184933. Please check to see if your donations can be matched by your employer. Thank you for your support.
Further information: Palo Verde PTA website