Project Cornerstone
Palo Verde and Project Cornerstone are building a community where all adults support children so that they may thrive. Our partnership empowers our children, parents, and school staff to improve school climate and create vibrant, caring communities of learners.
Developmental Assets
Developmental assets are the positive values, relationships, skills and experiences that help children thrive. Young people with high asset levels are most likely to make healthy choices, while those with lower asset levels are more likely to get involved with negative or risky behaviors like violence, trouble in school and more.
Asset Building Champions (ABC) Program
The Asset Building Champions (ABC) program is an in-classroom program where adult volunteers learn to create positive connections with the children in the school community. Volunteers, typically parents, read specially selected books and lead activities that help teach valuable lessons. The parent volunteers become another caring adult that the children can go to. The books and lessons provide a common language that the community can use.
The program runs on a 3-year cycle. Year 1, 2 and 3 are the Asset, Building & Champion years, respectively.