Getting to School
Palo Verde @ Greendell School
We encourage walking, biking, and taking the bus as much as possible to minimize traffic congestion during school arrival. While on the school campus, parents and students are to utilize the sidewalks and pedestrian paths at all times. Please see the Palo Verde Walk & Roll Map for recommended walking and biking routes. Arriving a little earlier helps relieve traffic congestion. School begins at 8:15 Monday through Friday for all students. Dismissal times vary by grade. Please refer to the Daily Schedule page for specifics.
Address: 4120 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Need to report traffic concerns to Palo Alto Police? Please download the PaloAlto311 app. To make a report, go to “New Request” – “Streets and Roadways” – “Traffic congestion or traffic safety concern”
Questions? Please stop by the office to let us know!